Private Sessions

“Do not remember the former things,
Or consider the things of old. 
I am about to do a new thing;
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”   Isaiah  43:18-19 

“Skeeter has integrated the subtle, microscopic movements of Feldenkrais with the inspirational macroscopic movements of yoga to create an entirely new mind/body alignment practice for the 21st century.”   Gary Greenberg PHD, artist/inventor with 18 Patents,


One hour Private Yoga  and One hour Functional Integration Feldenkrais Hands on Sessions $108.00


“Meeting Skeeter after a serious kitesurfing accident gave me a totally different look at my body. Next to her my body feels alive, every muscle is vivid and full of appreciation. Knowledge I have from my medical background combined with Skeeters fascinating way of seeing humans, movement and interacting gave me a new look at seeing not only the medical world – at seeing the world. Thank you Skeeter.”
Dr. Anne Pieper, Orthopedic Surgeon, Germany

“Skeeter’s Teaching  and hands on work is Transformative. She is a gifted, wise woman who holds the highest intention and embodiment of the mind, body and spirit. Skeeter brought divine magic into my being and facilitated my healing from the trauma of Stage 4 Cancer surgery and radiation.  Her energy field transmits a calmness while holding a vision of the most expansive. She  Draws the potential of your own light into being and integrates this with unseen realities. I do not understand how it works, but it really does. I can move in ways I haven’t in years. Skeeter is a brilliant Feldenkrais practitioner and Yoga Teacher, she  opened my head, neck, and  back restrictions to full movement and function from 100% disability. Skeeter’s sensitivity to understand my challenges and offer me real choices for change,elevates my spirit and helps me see and experience the Divine in all of Life.” Ease Oldham, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Business Owner

 “Skeeter has been a Godsend to our family. My son Andrew was born with Cerebral Palsy, and though not verbal or ambulatory in “regular ways”, he is a shining light, very loving, present and aware.  Skeeter sees that light in him.  She has reached in and touched this very special young man, and connected with him in a way that has much depth. Andrew puts forth an exceptional and uncommon effort when she works with him.  I feel he looks forward to the lessons with Skeeter (which is a huge thing!)  Skeeter’s work with Andrew has opened doors for him to many possibilities, like nothing else has. Skeeter’s heart, knowledge and skill comes through in her work with Andrew.”Paula Richard, Andrews Mother

“I met Skeeter in the fall of 2006 when I had returned to Maui with my son who had suffered an anoxic brain injury. I was immediately struck by her serious approach when working with my son. She exhibited exemplary fearlessness and confidence in her training. Skeeter brought her unique talents to an extremely difficult situation when we had found no one else who was willing to meet that challenge. My son has benefited enormously not only from her expertise in the field of Feldenkrais but from the loving and compassionate person that she embodies. There is no price that I could put on the level of skill and wisdom that Skeeter exhibits when working with my son; she is invaluable to us and we will forever be grateful that she is in our lives. ” Elinor Meadows

One hour Private Yoga  and One hour Functional Integration Feldenkrais Hands on  Sessions $108.00