Skeeter Yoga Open To Life Module 1

Module 1: Radiant Abundance – Resilience of Nature and spirit.


This  5 day immersion into the art of yoga is module one of a 4 part immersion/teacher training. This Immersion is for anyone interested in diving deeper into the practice of yoga . . . and if you choose to pursue your teacher training with us . . . this week will give you 50 credit hours towards our 200 hour Yoga Alliance accredited Teacher Training program. Below are the 2017 dates of Module One. April 8-12 Maui Hawaii  

Product Description

When we begin on our path of yoga and when we arrive at the end of the path, the principle is the same, to open and receive, to allow the flow of grace through our embodied form and out into the world as Love. This practice is the cornerstone of YOGA and the first building block of any student seeking to become a teacher. In this training we will focus on learning safe Alignment that will allow you to practice and teach Yoga as a Transformative and Therapeutic life-long practice. Resilience is “the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.” (i.e., spirit birthed into human form). This week will focus on the foundation of Yoga’s transformative powers to return us to our true and highest self. Nothing is Lacking, it is all within us, as we feel grace infusing our being.. The first week will focus on techniques that allow us to soften and let go of held patterns, that are not serving the Auspicious nature of Life. In this 6 day immersion we will allow ourselves to learn how to feel the openings, and help each other manifest the letting go of limiting movements, thoughts and visions, we will allow Grace/Nature/ the inner teachers light to return us to our perfect state of radiant abundance.

Techniques Training and Practice: 25 hours

Asana Syllabus one and two, unifying principles of yogic alignment in the body: explored and learned in Basic Asana forms.

  1. standing poses
  2. forward bends
  3. backbends
  4. hip openers
  5. twists
  6. arm ­balances
  7. inversions.

20 hours Awareness thru movement practices: 5 hours Paradoxical breath use of eyes dristis Arches of the body self image

Teaching Methodology 7.5 hours

Sanskrit, when and how to use the Sanskrit names: 1hr optimal blueprints and the value of integrating heart themes in movement. Aligning pranic body Muscular Energy and Organic Energy Focal points Inner and Outer Spiral

Anatomy and Physiology: 5 hours

Awareness thru Movement Functional Embodied Anatomy general organization of the skeleton curves of spine basic landmarks of skeleton anatomy of breathing

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics: 7.5

Overview History of Yoga: 1 hour Tantric Cosmology introduction: 1 hour Power of Intention “Sankalpa”, refining our awareness of Sankalpa, Dharma and Sva­ Dharma: 1hr Definitions of “ The Divine”, “Grace”, “Shiva Shakti” and “Spanda” and how they guide us in the practices. 2 hrs Relationship of Individual and Universal to the definition of Yoga: 1 hr Karma,Kriya, Grace and the practice of Yoga. 1.5 hr

Practicum: 2.5 hours

Teaching General form of level one syllabus in groups

Required Reading List (all materials are available on
Anusara Yoga Teachers Training Manual available Bhagavad Gita,

Stephen Mitchell translation Patanjali’s Yoga Surtras…..any translation

Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain

Recommended Reading List

Poised for Grace by Dr. Douglas Brooks

Tantra Illuminated by Christopher D. Wallace

The Yoga Tradition, Georg Fuerstein

Awareness through Movement by Dr. Feldenkrais