I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.” William Blake
“Through awareness we can learn to move with astonishing lightness and freedom-at almost any age-and thereby improve our living circumstances, not only physically…but emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.” ~ Moshe Feldenkrais
“This is not ‘relaxation’, for relaxation can be maintained only when doing nothing. The aim is not complete relaxation but healthy, powerful, easy and pleasurable exertion.” ~ Moshe Feldenkrais
Learning to soften and stretch our boundaries to greet the very source of Life itself we become co-creators of new and ever evolving traditions,paradigms,that honor the potential inherent in all of life.
As we begin to Soften our habitual ways of reacting in the world,a cool thing happens and we just naturally find ourselves Open to new Possibilities and this is enjoyable, pleasurable, FUN! When we are truly happy we gravitate towards behaviors that are life sustaining and enhancing. We find ourselves Balanced, centered, smiling, even in the face of Life’s Challenges and adversity. Open to Life Yoga is a practice that honors the shadow side of life, and understands how much suffering there is in the world. It is not a practice of denying or turning away from the realities of life’s hardships, rather a method where we can learn to hold the Light, and deepen our compassion for others suffering,even if it is just a tiny flicker of remembrance of love. It is this awareness and recognition of the beauty of life that can see us through the darkest hours. How do we learn to do this? How do we learn to maintain the changes that are life enhancing and let go of the old paradigms,dogmas,patterns that bind us and keep us from truly experiencing Freedom? It is as simple as waking up each day and asking ourselves, what kind of Miracle is present in my life today? and what kind of magic/miracle can I co-create,manifest with and for others?
“As a yoga instructor, Skeeter combines an incredible eye for alignment with profound compassion for her students. Her words will bring you into a deep place of physical integration all the while guiding you sweetly to your heart. I feel incredibly safe and yet adequately challenged under Skeeter’s guidance. She has that rare combination of loving awareness and inspiring energy that encourages you to do your best practice, expanding your boundaries with ease and grace. After studying with Skeeter regularly for 5 years, I still come away from each class with a new awareness and a deeper experience of myself and my relationships with others and the world.” Chrissy Kapoor, Anusara Inspired Yoga Teacher, Zen Shiatsu practitioner.